3 Important Questions to Ask Your Hemorrhoid Doctor

For many patients, the idea of talking about hemorrhoids with their doctors can be embarrassing. After all, this condition happens in one of the most discreet places on the body. Who finds it easy to ask questions about hemorrhoids or their symptoms?

In fact, you should feel free to open up to your doctor about this common yet uncomfortable condition. You can prepare for your visit now by knowing what questions to ask about hemorrhoids.

How Serious Are Hemorrhoids?

The first question you might be concerned about involves how serious this condition actually is. Are hemorrhoids something to be worried about or will they go away on their own? The answer to this question varies from patient to patient and depends on a variety of factors. For many people, hemorrhoids are mild and something that will go away on their own. For others, it is a condition for which more extensive treatments are necessary.

Your doctor can tell you how serious your hemorrhoids are after he or she examines you. Together, you can come up with a treatment plan that will address this condition in the best way possible.

Which Conditions Mimic Hemorrhoids?

Another worry you might have is that you suffer from something else other than hemorrhoids. Your imagination might run wild with worries that you actually have cancer or suffer from a more serious illness than hemorrhoids.

It is true that hemorrhoids can mimic symptoms of other diseases, including anal and colon cancer. You can rule out these other possibilities by going through a proper examination at your doctor’s office. If you are found to suffer from hemorrhoids, your doctor will suggest a number of different treatment options, like using prescription medications or undergoing laser surgery to reduce their size and swelling.

Do I Need Surgery?

Once you are diagnosed with hemorrhoids, your next question might be, “Do I need surgery for them?” Depending on how extensive they are, they may need to be treated with operations like sclerotherapy or laser surgery.

However, if they are mild, external hemorrhoids, your doctor might prescribe a cream and antiseptic pads to reduce their swelling. Many cases of mild hemorrhoids clear up within a matter of weeks.

Talking about hemorrhoids with your doctor might seem embarrassing at first. However, these questions can help you learn more about your condition and the best way it should be treated.

Preventing Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Pregnancy takes a toll on every bodily function, including your digestive system. As the weeks progress, you may notice that you are no longer as regular as you once were prior to getting pregnant. These three tips could help you avoid getting hemorrhoids during any stage of your pregnancy.

Drink Plenty of Liquids

With as often as you have to go to the bathroom while you are pregnant, you might consider drinking more liquids one of the last things you want to do. However, drinking plenty of clear liquids like water, broth, and gelatin can actually help you avoid hemorrhoids.

Clear liquids prevent dehydration and constipation, two conditions that can cause painful hemorrhoids to develop during pregnancy. You should ideally try to drink 32 ounces of water or another clear liquid each day to aid your digestive system.

Exercise Each Day

Another way to help your digestive system during pregnancy is to get enough exercise. When you are pregnant, you may get tired out more often and want to rest. While it is important to rest as needed while you are pregnant, you should also commit yourself to exercising for at least 30 minutes each day.

This exercise will not only improve your heart rate and help you keep your weight within reasonable limits. It also will prevent digestive issues like constipation and hemorrhoids. Low-impact exercises like walking around the block or even Kegel exercises can prove beneficial in preventing painful hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Eat Lots of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Finally, you should make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables each day when you are expecting. Not only will you reap the benefits found with the vitamins and minerals in these foods, you also will benefit from the healthy fiber they contain.

Fiber is essential when it comes to avoiding hemorrhoids during pregnancy. You need plenty of fiber to help your body digest food and also pass waste from the digestive tract. While you could take a fiber supplement each day, one of the best ways to take in plenty of fiber is to simply eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

Pregnancy increases the likelihood of you developing painful hemorrhoids. You can avoid this condition and enjoy good digestive healthy by drinking plenty of clear liquids each day, exercising, and eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Boost Fiber in Your Diet to Prevent Hemorrhoids

Increasing fiber in the diet is one easy, straightforward lifestyle modification that can help prevent hemorrhoids. Fiber bulks up the stool, helping to keep you regular. It also works to prevent constipation, a significant risk factor for enlarged, painful hemorrhoids. Currently, it is recommended that women consume 25 grams per day, while men need around 38 grams per day.

Fiber is found in a variety of foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and many fortified foods are all excellent sources of fiber. Some foods have higher amounts than others. It can be helpful to read food labels and study dietary reference charts to determine which foods will be best to incorporate into your diet and lifestyle.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a high-fiber diet. Fiber content will be at its highest when foods are eaten raw. Bananas, oranges, and apples (with the skin) are good choices. Fruits such as raspberries, blackberries, mango, pears, prunes, and figs have even higher amounts of fiber. Vegetables like broccoli and brussels sprouts have notable fiber in them. Collard greens, butternut squash, and artichokes are even better. Baked potatoes and sweet potatoes (with the skin) are another option.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are also a great source of fiber. Brown and wild rice, wheat and rye flour, barley, oats, popcorn, and quinoa are all well-known sources. Other whole grains include buckwheat, bulgur, and millet. Bran cereals are also a healthy source of fiber.

Beans, Nuts, and Seeds

Eating lentils, black beans, kidney beans, split peas, and chickpeas (as well as many other varieties) will also boost your fiber intake. Products made out of beans, like black bean or soy burgers, will also be beneficial. There are many different types of nuts, but most people prefer peanuts, almonds, walnuts, and pecans. Adding roasted or raw seeds like soybeans, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds will ramp up the fiber in your diet.

Fortified Foods

Fiber is added to a myriad of foods. Pasta, breads, crackers, cereals, milk, yogurt, and even orange juice can be considered a good source of fiber. Fiber bars and fiber supplements are also available. However, it is important to be aware of the other ingredients in some fiber-fortified foods. They may also contain extra sugar, sodium, saturated fat, and unnecessary calories. Reading nutrition labels can help determine whether a food is actually a healthy source of fiber or not.

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