Learn How You Can Prevent Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids, sometimes referred to as piles, occur when veins in the lower rectum and anus become swollen.

As we age, many of us become less active and don’t eat as much fiber as we should. Unfortunately, this can lead to the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids.

  • The swollen veins that occur can be caused by several different factors, but are typically preventable.
  • In order to prevent hemorrhoids, there are a few simple daily changes that you can make.

Nutrition & Healthy Weight

Nutrition is essential for the body to work the way it is supposed to. Drinking liquids and eating fiber rich foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains can help eliminate the risk of hemorrhoids and make bowel movements regular and stools soft. Fiber can also be taken in supplement form to ensure that your body is getting enough. A lack of fiber can cause constipation, which causes straining, which can lead to hemorrhoids.

Furthermore, maintaining a healthy weight is also a preventative measure that can be taken. People who are overweight or who suffer from obesity are at a higher risk for hemorrhoids. When excess weight is stored throughout the body, it creates pressure on the blood vessels to the point of blockage. A blockage can cause veins to erupt and create hemorrhoids.

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Don’t Strain & Don’t Wait

Even though there are some instances where you can’t get to the bathroom right away, the need to eliminate your bowels shouldn’t wait. Waiting to eliminate your bowels causes your stool to become hard and dry, which can cause you to strain.

Straining to eliminate your bowels can create pressure on the veins in the lower rectum which can cause them to become swollen, thus causing hemorrhoids. Straining is typically caused by constipation or diarrhea. When you strain to eliminate your bowels, you interrupt the natural blood flow in the lower rectum and anus, causing the blood to pool and veins to enlarge.

Get Physical

Physical activity is also essential for the body to function properly. Excessive sitting or standing can create pressure on the veins. Exercising helps your body to move your stool through your system to create a more regular bowel regiment, less instances of constipation or diarrhea, and ultimately, less chance of getting hemorrhoids.

Though all of these lifestyle changes can help you prevent hemorrhoids, there are some causes of hemorrhoids that are not as preventable. Some people are genetically predisposed to have a higher risk for hemorrhoids. If this is your case, you will especially want to ensure that you are physically active, eating well, maintaining your weight, and eliminating your bowels as needed. Additionally, the following can increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids:

  • Women who are pregnant are more likely to get hemorrhoids due to the excess weight being placed on the veins.
  • Aging can heighten the risk for getting hemorrhoids. In fact, most cases of hemorrhoids occur between the ages of 45 and 65.
  • Repeated heavy lifting can cause strain that leads to hemorrhoids.
  • Anal intercourse is another risk factor that can cause hemorrhoids or disturb existing ones.

If you do develop hemorrhoids, contact our clinic for help diagnosing and treating the issue.

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