If you’ve recently begun to experience pain and swelling around the anus, it’s possible that these symptoms are being caused by the development of hemorrhoids, of which there are several different types. It’s important to understand that hemorrhoids don’t always need to be removed. If that’s the case with you, it’s also essential that you avoid making the hemorrhoids worse.
What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are veins within the lower rectum or anus areas that have become swollen. The hemorrhoids can occur inside of the rectum or directly under the skin in various areas surrounding the anus. Almost 75 percent of all adults will develop hemorrhoids at some point or another. While surgery is sometimes required for the treatment of hemorrhoids, the swollen veins will typically dissipate with home remedies and certain lifestyle changes.
If you’re suffering from external hemorrhoids, the symptoms that you can expect to go through include pain and discomfort, itching around the anus, bleeding, and swelling. As for internal hemorrhoids, the fact that they are situated inside of the rectum means that you likely won’t experience any notable symptoms. However, the presence of these hemorrhoids can result in bleeding when you strain during bowel movements. While complications from hemorrhoids are very rare, they include blood clots, anemia, and a strangulated hemorrhoid, the latter of which can cause you to experience extreme amounts of pain.
How to Avoid Making Hemmorhoids Worse
If you believe that you’ve developed one or more hemorrhoids, you need to take preventive measures to ensure that the hemorrhoids don’t worsen, which will invariably result in symptoms that are more severe. For one, it’s important that you increase your fiber intake. Doing so will allow your stool to be softened, which means that your stools can pass through your body without issue. Fiber is commonly found in such foods as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole-grain breads, and beans.
You also need to drink significant amounts of water and other fluids throughout the day. Staying hydrated will keep your stools soft, which makes them easier to pass. Water is easily the best option if you want to remain healthy and fit. In order to keep constipation at bay, it’s recommended that you exercise every day for at least 20-30 minutes. Some additional tips for keeping swelling and pain down include sitting on a cushion and taking breaks after each hour of sitting.